Postures effect on muscle and joint
function. Utilizing posture to change prolonged positions. Posture
exercises. Posture training in sitting, standing and movement.
WARM-UP: How to prepare the body for physical
activity through warm-up exercises. The difference between warm-up and
stretching exercises. The physiological changes that occur with warm-up
exercises. The benefits of cool-down exercises following activity.
Static stretch exercises for pre and
post activity. The physiological effects of stretching on the body.
Exercise that can be done throughout the day to promote flexibility and
counteract the effects of prolonged positions.
ENDURANCE: Exercise ideas for increasing muscle
strength and endurance. Understanding the benefits of resistance training
on muscle and joint function. Exercise tips for the home, gym and work.
PREVENTION: Create a safe environment to prevent
slips/falls. Understanding the role balance plays in human movement.
Exercises to improve balance, body awareness and efficient movement.
SAFE LIFTING: Understanding core endurance. Review
of lifting biomechanics. Exercises to increase core and lifting strength.
INJURY CARE: What happens when an injury occurs?
The body response to a soft tissue injury. Proper use of heat and cold
therapy. Exercise and its role in healing and rehabilitation.
Ergonomic Assessments:
Designing a work environment that is
safe, efficient, and prevents musculoskeletal problems. Simple work area
modifications and exercises.